Saturday, June 2, 2012

She's almost here!

39 Weeks Today! 

So the past couple of weeks we have been getting all the last minute things ready for Baby O's arrival!

We finally ordered the stroller and it arrived this week!  The only baby item Garrett had an opinion about was the stroller.  When we saw the BoB's while shopping for baby furniture earlier this year he knew this was the one he wanted!  I have to say I love it too!  It is so easy to move around and I love the orange color too!

I got a new car last Friday too after some convincing from Garrett!  He also installed the car seat so she is ready to come home!

Garrett fixed our fence a few weekends ago.  Now I can let the dogs outside without having to supervise them the whole time!  This is going to be so great once Baby O arrives.

Memorial Day weekend I tried to take things pretty easy and enjoy the long weekend.  I am still working full time since I want to have as much of my time off with our baby girl as possible.  I'm just glad I still feel good enough to do this!  My Dad continued to paint the inside of our house (he's almost finished :)  On Sunday I enjoyed the day on Carlyle lake with Garrett and his family on their boat.  I just enjoyed the ride and the day outside since I couldn't get in the lake.  And on Memorial Day, Garrett and I just enjoyed the day together.

This past week I had my second NST (non-stress test) on Tuesday.  Sara you were right about these tests!  I get to sit in a recliner in a quiet room with monitors on my belly.  The only noise in the room is her heartbeat so I am very relaxed and can almost take a nap listening to her!  Thankfully, both of these tests have been normal.  This past NST even showed I was having small contractions.  On Thursday I had another weekly appointment, but this time with another doctor in the same office.  My doctor was out of town for Memorial Day week so I am thankful I haven't gone into labor yet since she is gone.  So at this appointment, I didn't gain any weight, and I found out I am 1 cm dilated.  I have been feeling some back pain this week along with some period type cramping, and occasional pressure on my hips so to find out I was dilated didn't surprise me. It's still hard to believe though that my body is making some progress towards labor!  I have another doctor's appointment (with my regular ob) on Monday along with another NST.  If I don't go into labor this weekend, then at my appointment on Monday she said we would plan on making an appointment for induction! So I will have some big news after that appointment!

Here are some pictures of the nursery!

I don't have any wall decorations, but I plan to purchase something like this after she is born.  

Handmade wreath that matches the bedding for her door that Susan gave me at my baby shower

View as you enter

Tall dresser that is mostly empty

Her crib with the diaper bag-It's packed and ready to go! 

Long dresser with her onesies and diapers

Another view from the door 
Armoir with doors open.  I have her cute clothes hung up, and her burp cloths, swaddle blankets, bibs, and books on the shelf

Drawer of armoir with socks, shoes, bows, and other accessories

Top of long dresser

Top of tall dresser

My chair with all the beautiful blankets I got right next to it

So I think this is officially our last weekend before Baby O's arrival. We've got our bags packed and we are ready for her arrival! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

3 Weeks!

With all the doctor appointments and my sister's wedding it feels like the month of May is flying by!  Before I know it, Baby O will be here!  Since I haven't posted a picture of myself lately here are a couple from the wedding last weekend.  Luckily, I was able to squeeze a maternity photo session in with my favorite photographer Nadean while I was in Asheville, NC for the wedding.  Nadean was my wedding photographer, and now my sister's wedding photographer.  So hopefully I will get to see the pictures very soon and share them!

Thankfully I still felt very good with great energy last weekend to fulfill my duties as matron of honor.  But now that I've been home for a week I think everything has caught up with me!  My hips have started to hurt (so I am now waddling, lol) and the swelling in my ankles seems to linger even if I keep them elevated.  So I'm starting to feel like it is almost time for her to arrive!

Before I left for the wedding I had an ultrasound to estimate Baby O's weight.  She was estimated at 5lbs 11 ounces, which is exactly where she needs to be according to my doctor since she will gain a 1/2 lb a week from now on.  According to my doctor I have managed my weight and her weight very well for having gestational diabetes.  Also, my work threw me a baby shower before I left.  I got a lot of necessities like diapers, wipes, outfits, socks, handmade booties, swaddle blankets, sea dreams soother for the crib, and some gift cards.  So thank you to everyone at work for such great gifts!

This week I had another doctor's appointment.  It feels like all I do now is go to doctor's appointments!  It's a big change since I'm used to only going once a year.  So at this last appointment, I gained a couple of pounds, my blood pressure was a little high-but I was a little stressed from work since I went during my break at work- and I have not started to dilate yet.  In addition to my weekly appointment I have to start doing non stress tests starting next week.  I have to go once a week until she is born.  The doctor explained that the test is a fetal monitoring test where I sit for 20-30 minutes with a monitor over my belly in order to monitor her heart rate , movement, and the placenta. Even though everything seems normal and on track with Baby O, I am considered higher risk due to having gestational diabetes, so the doctor wants to me to do these tests just as a precaution.  Today I met with the dietician to go over my blood sugars and my diet while breast feeding.  Thankfully I won't have to watch my carbs after the diabetes goes away, but I still need to eat small frequent meals.  I think it may be difficult to go back to the way I was eating before being diagnosed with gestational diabetes because I am more aware of what I eat now, and I've learned so much about how to eat smarter and healthier.

This weekend I plan to finish shopping for all the baby supplies, put the car seat in the car, finish some thank you cards, and start packing my bags.  I still can't believe my pregnancy is almost over.  It's bittersweet because I'm excited to meet her, but I've really enjoyed my pregnancy so far.  I know there is a big change coming and I think I'm starting to feel ready for a new routine with her and starting our family.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Less than 6 weeks!

We're getting close!  So Garrett and I have been busy putting all our wonderful baby gifts together, finishing the nursery, and just trying to enjoy some quiet weekends! We attended a childbirth class last weekend, so now we are more prepared for Baby O's arrival!  Even after the class though, child birth still makes me uneasy and nervous.  I just don't like the unknown mostly.

So the swing is ready to go, as well as the pack n play, which I plan to use in our room for the first few weeks instead of the crib.

We just need to put the carseat in the car and pack my bags for the hospital stay and we'll be ready! Yes, I would like a few other projects to be done around the house but at least we have all the necessities done for now.

This pregnancy is still going really well despite the gestational diabetes.  I've only gained 3 pounds in the past 8 weeks.  My doctor isn't concerned since she is still growing right on track.  It just seems now the weight I had gained before, which seemed to be spreading all over my body, is now all baby!  For now she is head down and she favors the right side of my belly.  She got the hiccups for the first time last night, and is kicking/moving a lot these days.  Hopefully she stays put so I don't have to schedule a c-section.  She hasn't made me uncomfortable yet like she's running out of room, but I definitely feel exhausted by the end of the day, my poor ankles are proof of that.

I had a doctor's appointment today and learned that my doctor will not let me go one day over my due date because of my gestational diabetes.  So this means I'll either go in labor before the due date (June 9th) or I will be scheduled to be induced around 39 weeks.  I have an ultrasound scheduled for May 7th so I will know a lot more info after that appointment.

These next few weeks are going to be really busy and fun!  I'm getting my bridesmaid dress fitted next week since my sister's wedding is May 12th in Asheville, NC!  I'm excited to see my family over that long weekend and enjoy some time off work!  Work has a baby shower planned before I leave as well on May 8th.  After I get back from the wedding I'll only have a few weeks to finish buying things, get our house ready in general, and mentally prepare for her arrival since both Garrett and I still can't believe she is almost here.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Shower Weekend

So this past weekend was very busy! It all all started when Sara Propst, Garrett's cousin, came in town Thursday night.  I'm so happy she was able to help with the baby shower, I really enjoy it when she is here! On Friday, the carpet got replaced in the baby's room, I had my last monthly doctor's appointment, and my Mom and sister came into town!  

Before pictures of Baby room with the old carpet and blue floor!

My doctor's appointment went well.  Our baby girl is growing perfectly, my blood pressure was good, and I didn't gain any weight since my last appointment 5 weeks ago (probably since I've started to eat better on this new diet!) I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and I will be getting one more ultrasound around 35-36 weeks.

Saturday was the day of my baby shower! Thanks again to Susan, Rebecca, and Sara for throwing such a beautiful shower.  And thanks to everyone for the great gifts. I had a great time celebrating with my family and friends. Garrett and I are blessed with great people in our lives! Thank you to Sara for all these photos as I forgot my camera!

Too cute! The popcorn was awesome too!

Beautiful flowers!

Yummy food

Bubble Bath Punch

Yummy cake balls! These are sooo good!
Reading cards and opening gifts!

Cute clothes from my Mom!

Sara and Me

 Susan and Rebecca

The boys before heading out to golf.  I love Garrett's bright neon pink shirt!

Finally on Sunday everyone helped to move the baby furniture and baby stuff into the room!  The room is close to being complete.  I still need to add some finishing touches like shades, wall decorations, and a rug I recently bought.  She will be here before we know it!

I'm so glad by Mom was here and was able to help set up the nursery!  I will be spending much more time in this room getting ready for our girl's arrival!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

77 days left!

Only 11 more weeks to go! Some days June seems so far away and other days it feels like it's just right around the corner!  
I don't have any updates from any doctors appointments yet, since my last monthly appointment is on March 30th.  After that I will start going every 2 weeks.  So far since my last appointment Garrett and I have chosen a pediatrician and we have not decided on a name.  I think we might keep this a secret till the birth since it's so close to the end.  My pregnancy has been going really well so far with no issues until about a week ago.   I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes after taking my glucose tolerance test.  I have no history of diabetes, but the doctor said it is my hormones and placenta that is causing it and it will go away after pregnancy. Since it is something I could not control, I have learned to take the positives from it.  I had to meet with a dietician to learn how to control the diabetes, which has made me learn how to eat so much better.  I feel a lot better and not as swollen.  So, hopefully this is the only complication that comes my way.

Spring came early this year so Garrett is busier than ever.  He thankfully got the big projects done around the house to get ready for our little girl.  The nursery is still not put together, but we did order carpet yesterday and that will hopefully get installed by next week.  So after the carpet is replaced we can finally move the baby furniture in!  I will post pictures when it is all put together.

I'm getting very excited for my baby shower next weekend!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating our little girl's arrival.  I'm very thankful for everyone who is flying in from out of town as well! My Mom and sister, Grandma Pat, and Sara Propst are all flying in!  This makes my shower really special to me.

I am hoping to blog more since more eventful things will be coming these last 11 weeks!

Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but she's still got a ways to go -- can you believe she'll triple in weight before birth?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

6 Months!

So what a difference 5 weeks can make! Ever since we found out we are having a baby girl, I definitely feel and look pregnant!  Over the past few weeks I've outgrown my scrubs that I wear to work. So now I can't hide my growing belly. Luckily, I have some maternity shirts I can wear to work plus some maternity scrub pants that were lent to me (thanks Cassie!).  Just this past week I have noticed my ankles and hands starting to swell.  I think this is the worst part!  So I'm really trying to drink a lot of water, keep my feet elevated, and watch my sodium intake so I don't swell up all over!

Garrett and I are still deciding on names. I believe this is going to be the hardest part!  I can feel her move more often now, but she is still pretty low on my belly so you can't feel any kicks on the outside yet.  My doctor said in the next month he should be able to feel her kick!

Garrett is making a lot of process on the house as well! He finished cleaning up our basement and sealing the cinder block walls.  He replaced our bathtub and the drywall is finished around it.  And my Dad painted the nursery walls and closet doors that were once blue for some odd reason. We just need to replace the carpet and then we can bring the furniture in!  I'm hoping we will have the room put together by our Baby Shower on March 31st. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Introducing Baby Girl Overman!

Here are my sonogram pictures that were taken from my appointment last Tuesday.  Thank you to Cassie for scanning my sonogram pictures so I can share them with everyone!

The top picture is her on her side-her belly is in the middle and her head is on the right side, and her right hand is waving!
The bottom picture is her right foot :)

Baby's profile picture- you can see her nose and mouth!

These last two are pictures of her showing us she is a baby girl!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a girl!

So at 19 1/2 weeks pregnant we found out at my high def ultrasound yesterday we are expecting a girl!  It took about 30-45 minutes into the ultrasound for the doctor to finally tell us the sex because she was not cooperating most of the time! It was very interesting to watch the Doctor take all the measurements of the baby and see about every part of the baby close up! The baby's heart rate was 138 and she weighs 11 ounces. Hopefully my OB will be able to review the results of this ultrasound with me at my appointment next Friday, but according to the ultrasound Doctor everything looked normal.

I'm starting to feel flutters here and there but not any major kicks yet.  As you can see from the picture, my belly is growing!  I'm starting to outgrow some of my scrub tops for work.  I've gotten a few maternity tops already, but I think I may need to buy a few more tops for work!

Now that we know we are having a girl, I'm excited to finally be able to shop!  I plan on starting a registry soon since we are expecting to have a shower March 31st.  My Mom will be here visiting that weekend so that will make the shower so much more special!