So what a difference 5 weeks can make! Ever since we found out we are having a baby girl, I definitely feel and look pregnant! Over the past few weeks I've outgrown my scrubs that I wear to work. So now I can't hide my growing belly. Luckily, I have some maternity shirts I can wear to work plus some maternity scrub pants that were lent to me (thanks Cassie!). Just this past week I have noticed my ankles and hands starting to swell. I think this is the worst part! So I'm really trying to drink a lot of water, keep my feet elevated, and watch my sodium intake so I don't swell up all over!
Garrett and I are still deciding on names. I believe this is going to be the hardest part! I can feel her move more often now, but she is still pretty low on my belly so you can't feel any kicks on the outside yet. My doctor said in the next month he should be able to feel her kick!
Garrett is making a lot of process on the house as well! He finished cleaning up our basement and sealing the cinder block walls. He replaced our bathtub and the drywall is finished around it. And my Dad painted the nursery walls and closet doors that were once blue for some odd reason. We just need to replace the carpet and then we can bring the furniture in! I'm hoping we will have the room put together by our Baby Shower on March 31st.