Friday, April 27, 2012

Less than 6 weeks!

We're getting close!  So Garrett and I have been busy putting all our wonderful baby gifts together, finishing the nursery, and just trying to enjoy some quiet weekends! We attended a childbirth class last weekend, so now we are more prepared for Baby O's arrival!  Even after the class though, child birth still makes me uneasy and nervous.  I just don't like the unknown mostly.

So the swing is ready to go, as well as the pack n play, which I plan to use in our room for the first few weeks instead of the crib.

We just need to put the carseat in the car and pack my bags for the hospital stay and we'll be ready! Yes, I would like a few other projects to be done around the house but at least we have all the necessities done for now.

This pregnancy is still going really well despite the gestational diabetes.  I've only gained 3 pounds in the past 8 weeks.  My doctor isn't concerned since she is still growing right on track.  It just seems now the weight I had gained before, which seemed to be spreading all over my body, is now all baby!  For now she is head down and she favors the right side of my belly.  She got the hiccups for the first time last night, and is kicking/moving a lot these days.  Hopefully she stays put so I don't have to schedule a c-section.  She hasn't made me uncomfortable yet like she's running out of room, but I definitely feel exhausted by the end of the day, my poor ankles are proof of that.

I had a doctor's appointment today and learned that my doctor will not let me go one day over my due date because of my gestational diabetes.  So this means I'll either go in labor before the due date (June 9th) or I will be scheduled to be induced around 39 weeks.  I have an ultrasound scheduled for May 7th so I will know a lot more info after that appointment.

These next few weeks are going to be really busy and fun!  I'm getting my bridesmaid dress fitted next week since my sister's wedding is May 12th in Asheville, NC!  I'm excited to see my family over that long weekend and enjoy some time off work!  Work has a baby shower planned before I leave as well on May 8th.  After I get back from the wedding I'll only have a few weeks to finish buying things, get our house ready in general, and mentally prepare for her arrival since both Garrett and I still can't believe she is almost here.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Shower Weekend

So this past weekend was very busy! It all all started when Sara Propst, Garrett's cousin, came in town Thursday night.  I'm so happy she was able to help with the baby shower, I really enjoy it when she is here! On Friday, the carpet got replaced in the baby's room, I had my last monthly doctor's appointment, and my Mom and sister came into town!  

Before pictures of Baby room with the old carpet and blue floor!

My doctor's appointment went well.  Our baby girl is growing perfectly, my blood pressure was good, and I didn't gain any weight since my last appointment 5 weeks ago (probably since I've started to eat better on this new diet!) I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and I will be getting one more ultrasound around 35-36 weeks.

Saturday was the day of my baby shower! Thanks again to Susan, Rebecca, and Sara for throwing such a beautiful shower.  And thanks to everyone for the great gifts. I had a great time celebrating with my family and friends. Garrett and I are blessed with great people in our lives! Thank you to Sara for all these photos as I forgot my camera!

Too cute! The popcorn was awesome too!

Beautiful flowers!

Yummy food

Bubble Bath Punch

Yummy cake balls! These are sooo good!
Reading cards and opening gifts!

Cute clothes from my Mom!

Sara and Me

 Susan and Rebecca

The boys before heading out to golf.  I love Garrett's bright neon pink shirt!

Finally on Sunday everyone helped to move the baby furniture and baby stuff into the room!  The room is close to being complete.  I still need to add some finishing touches like shades, wall decorations, and a rug I recently bought.  She will be here before we know it!

I'm so glad by Mom was here and was able to help set up the nursery!  I will be spending much more time in this room getting ready for our girl's arrival!